Resultaat 81–93 van de 93 resultaten wordt getoond

The Mitten – Groep 1-4

The children watch a YouTube video of The Mitten and do several activities to practise the vocabulary and phrases of the story.

The same and different – Groep 5-8

In this activity the children learn how to describe themselves and others. In doing so, they reflect on what similarities and differences they have with their friends. Whether they are the same or different, classmates can be friends.

Two Easter lessons – Groep 1-2

Twee lessen voor groep 1-2 vol leuke activiteiten over het thema ‘Easter’! De leerlingen zingen o.a. TPR-liedjes, doen een Easter egg hunt en kijken een filmpje van Maisy over Pasen. Veel plezier!

Two Easter lessons – Groep 3-4

Twee lessen voor groep 3-4 vol leuke activiteiten over het thema ‘Easter’! De leerlingen zingen o.a. TPR-liedjes, doen een Easter egg relay en kijken een filmpje van Peppa Pig over Pasen. Veel plezier!

What do animals do in wintertime? – Groep 1-4

Winter has arrived! Jack Frost is reminding us to wrap up warm and put on our scarfs and gloves. This CLIL activity for the onderbouw looks at how animals keep warm in winter by going in to hibernation.

What do animals do in wintertime? – Groep 5-8

Winter has arrived! Jack Frost is reminding us to wrap up warm and put on our scarfs and gloves. This CLIL activity for the bovenbouw looks at how animals keep warm in winter by going in to hibernation.

What do you want to be? – Groep 5-6

In 3 lessen leren de leerlingen over verschillende beroepen. Ze bedenken wat ze later willen worden en maken en beschrijven een kunstwerk van hun droomberoep.

What do you want to be? – Groep 7-8

In 3 lessen oefenen de leerlingen woorden en zinnen rondom het thema beroepen, reflecteren ze op hun eigen talenten en denken ze na over welke beroepen daarbij zouden passen. In de laatste les staat hun ‘droomberoep’ centraal.

Why do leaves change colour in autumn? – Groep 1-4

Autumn is on its way! The leaves on the trees are changing colour and falling down. Before we rake them up to make a pile of leaves to jump in, let’s look at the changing of the colours. It is suggested that this CLIL topic is taught and recapped over a number of lessons.

Why do leaves change colour in autumn? – Groep 5-8

Autumn is on its way! The leaves on the trees are changing colour and falling down. Before we rake them up to make a pile of leaves to jump in let’s look at the science behind these phenomena. It is suggested that this CLIL topic is taught and recapped over a number of lessons.